Stop, Start, Continue: Review Meeting Magical Tips | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Stop, Start, Continue: Review Meeting Magical Tips

It's very rare for coaches to be educated in how to run a team review meeting, yet we are all expected to review a game with our team at the end of a day’s play.

Often players switch off and think "this doesn't relate to me".

To help prevent that fate at your meetings, here are a few tips that have worked for me.


Review behaviours rather than techniques

Too much time in meetings is devoted to reviewing individual deliveries or shots that were played rather than attitudes, methods and behavioural strategies

Behaviours can be changed quickly, they are largely controllable and can be cued positively by other members of the team or even by individuals themselves.  These make the biggest difference to team performance and often provide the foundation to more technically precise execution.

Start. Stop. Continue.

This is a great tool to pull some structure around a review. The team have 3 things only to define as things to stop doing, 3 things to start doing and 3 things to continue to do in their future performances.

Therefore, instead of having to trawl through numerous irrelevant comments before a gem comes out, you will find that players will think ahead and are more likely to offer the points that are most pertinent or relevant.

Also "SSC" ensures that players look at the other side of the coin. By this I mean that in defeat they also look for things that have been done well (the continue) and in glorious victory players also look at things that can be developed or halted that could undermine performance in future matches (Start and Stop).

Always have a whiteboard or flip chart so that the SSC's can be recorded and referred to in practice and in the next match. If something comes up repeatedly in the two S's then you know there is some specific work to be done. If something features in the C's regularly, you know that this positive behaviour is becoming part of your team’s culture or fabric.

Pre-frame the meeting for your quiet ones

Advanced notice is vital for your introverts or quiet ones. Tell them what areas are likely to be discussed and then you will find that they come with their thoughts prepared and will often off the most thoughtful and insightful points that lead to enhanced team performance.

Often, without pre-framing, the introverts get drowned out and dispirited in team meetings by the noisy extroverts who think out loud and dominate the airspace. It's not that the extrovert is always a hindrance in a team meeting, yet it's vital that all members feel that they have a voice and an opinion.

That way you will get more positive take up of the appropriate behaviours across your whole team. 

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