The Philosophy and Science of PV-BATEX | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

The Philosophy and Science of PV-BATEX

“..sometimes you can get very caught up in technique but this [session] was just about concentration and putting yourself under the pump physically and then facing [the bowler]… [then] refocus rather than being worried about where your feet go and backlift and stuff like that - so it’s more of a concentration thing.”

Great words from Ian Bell after a training session back in 2013 and it sums up the philosophy behind PitchVision BATEX. The PV-BATEX app is designed to transform the traditional net into a high intensity training environment. The aim is to train your fitness to be able to bat for a long time and learn what is really required to bat when under physical pressure. It’s about keeping focused when you’re tired and having mental toughness to keep going. The PV-BATEX drill is not about getting tied down with perfecting batting technique but learning how to stay at the crease for a long time.

That’s the philosophy of the PV-BATEX drill and this article explains some off the sport science behind its development. For those yet familiar with PV-BATEX have a look at the interview and demo on xxxxx.

In recent years some of you may be aware of cricketers wearing GPS (Global Positioning System) units during international matches. The GPS data has given us a more precise picture of the distances and intensities covered when batting. For example, Dr Carl Petersen reported that, during a typical one-day innings, batsmen will cover just under 2500 metres per hour and 300 metres of this distance is run at high intensity.  Moreover, for every 1 second spent in high intensity running, 50 seconds are spent doing low intensity activity (standing, walking, jogging) when batting. These figures are interesting but the next step was how to best apply this data to help batsmen better prepare for match day. The GPS data was used to check how closely the distances and running speeds during PV-BATEX reflected that of real one-day matches.

The PV-BATEX batting drill is made up of 6 batting scenarios (each lasting 20-25 minutes with 5 overs delivered) and the running requirements in each of the 6 stages was determined by analysing running between the wicket frequencies from international cricket matches.

Stage 1 Opening up the innings – based on typical running between the wicket frequencies of top order batsmen in World Cup one-day cricket.

Stage 2 Accelerating the innings – based on typical running between the wickets of one day batsmen scoring 50 to 100 runs (in World Cups).

Stage 3 Rebuilding the innings – based on typical running between the wickets from a test match.

Stage 4 Powerplay – based on the typical running between the wicket frequencies during T20 World Cups.

Stage 5 Maintaining momentum – reflective of running between the wicket demands during World Cups.

Stage 6 Approaching your century (closing out the game) – reflecting the final 10 overs of One-day international cricket.


We got batsmen to complete PV-BATEX (all 6 stages) in the nets and monitored the distances and running intensities using GPS units. As anticipated, the fitness demands of BATEX were found to be reflective of a high intensity one-day hundred: for every 1 second of high intensity running there was 31 seconds of low intensity recovery activity (compared to 50 seconds of recovery time in typical one-day innings).

Put simply, completing PVBATEX will prepare you for the worse case scenario: a hundred where you (AND your partner!) are struggling to find the boundaries and having to run hard!

Another feature about the PV- BATEX training app is that you can pick and chose different stages depending on the time you have to train, a match scenario you may wish to practice and the training phase of your fitness program. The graph below shows the recovery ratios during each stage of PV-BATEX. Remember, the lower the number is the higher the exercise intensity during the stage.  Also, remember a typical one-day hundred has a typical score of 50. So Stage 1 is easier (score of 86) but stage 6 is a lot tougher (score of 16) than a typical one-day innings!

By using the PV-BATEX app you have a batting drill with the same philosophy and it’s backed up by the sport science research!

The question is:  Can you complete BATEX international?

For those of you who love sport science and want to go into more depth about the making of the BATEX batting drill you can read up on some of the research done through the links below:


Houghton, L., Dawson, B., Rubenson, J., & Tobin, M., (2011). Movement patterns and physical strain during a novel, simulated cricket batting innings (BATEX). Journal of Sports Sciences, 29:801-809.

A simulated cricket batting innings was developed to replicate the physical demands of scoring a century during One-Day International cricket. The simulated innings requires running-between-the-wickets across six 5-over stages, each of 21 min duration. To validate whether the simulated batting innings is reflective of One-Day International batting, movement patterns were collected using a global positioning system (GPS) and compared with previous research. In addition, indicators of physical strain were recorded (heart rate, jump heights, sweat loss, tympanic temperature). Nine club cricketers (mean ± s: age 20 ± 3 years; body mass 79.5 ± 7.9 kg) performed the simulated innings outdoors. There was a moderate trend for distance covered in the simulated innings to be less than that during One-Day batting (2171 ± 157 vs. 2476 ± 631 m · h⁻¹; effect size = 0.78). This difference was largely explained by a strong trend for less distance covered walking in the simulated innings than in One-Day batting (1359 ± 157 vs. 1604 ± 438 m · h⁻¹; effect size = 1.61). However, there was a marked trend for distance covered both striding and sprinting to be greater in the simulated innings than in One-Day batting (effect size > 1.2). Practically, the simulated batting innings may be used for match-realistic physical training and as a research protocol to assess the demands of prolonged, high-intensity cricket batting.


Houghton, L., Dawson, B., & Rubenson, J., (2011). Performance in a simulated cricket batting innings (BATEX): reliability and discrimination between playing standard. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29:1097-1103.

The reliability (test-retest) of running-between-the-wickets times and skill performance was assessed during a batting exercise (BATEX) simulation of 2 h 20 min duration that requires intermittent shuttle running. In addition, performance and physiological responses (heart rate, sweat rate, rating of perceived exertion, blood lactate concentration) were compared between high- and low-grade district club batsmen (n = 22, mean ± s: age 20 ± 2 years, mass 73.4 ± 8.5 kg). Running-between-the-wickets performance was assessed with an infra-red timing system (Swift, Australia) by sampling a 5-m time for the middle section of the straight-line sprints (singles) and the time to complete 5 m in and out of the turn (5-0-5-m turn time). Skill performance was rated as a percentage for good bat-ball contacts. Coefficients of variation for running-between-the-wickets performance and percentage of good bat-ball contacts were both <5%. Percentage of good bat-ball contacts was greater in the high- than low-grade batsmen (70 ± 8 vs. 58 ± 9%, P = 0.01). All other variables were similar between grades. Running-between-the-wickets and skill-performance measures during the BATEX simulation were reliable, thus it can be used in future research.

Houghton, L. and Dawson, B., (2012). Recovery of jump performance after a simulated cricket batting innings: A pilot study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30:1069-1072.

The time-course of physical recovery was determined after a 2-h 20-min, simulated cricket batting innings. Several vertical jump measures were assessed before (baseline), immediately after, 24 h after and 48 h after simulated batting. Six, male, academy cricketers (20 ± 2 years) completed a previously developed simulated batting innings (BATEX) at an outdoor net facility. At each assessment point, participants completed countermovement-jumps, squat-jumps and 5-repeated reactive-jumps on a contact mat. Compared with baseline, countermovement flight time was similar immediately after, but decreased 24 h after batting (-3.0 ± 1.8%, p < 0.05, effect size [ES] ± 90% confidence interval [CI]: -1.38 ± 0.52). At 48 h post, countermovement-jump flight time was similar to baseline. A similar pattern occurred in the squat-jump and the decrease in squat-jump flight time 24 h after simulated batting approached significance (p = 0.053, ES ± CI -0.80 ± 0.51). The 5-repeated reactive-jump measures (flight time, contact time and reactive-strength-index) did not decrease after simulated batting (p > 0.05), but there were moderate effect sizes calculated (0.64-0.96). These findings support the continued use of countermovement flight time to assess recovery in cricket, since full recovery of jump performance occurred 48 h after a simulated, prolonged and high intensity-batting century.


Houghton, L., Dawson, B., & Rubenson, J., (2013). Achilles tendon mechanical properties after both prolonged continuous running and prolonged intermittent shuttle running (cricket batting). Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 29:453-462

Effects of prolonged running on Achilles tendon properties were assessed after a 60 min treadmill run and 140 min intermittent shuttle running (simulated cricket batting innings). Before and after exercise, 11 participants performed ramp-up plantar flexions to maximum-voluntary-contraction before gradual relaxation. Muscle-tendon-junction displacement was measured with ultrasonography. Tendon force was estimated using dynamometry and a musculoskeletal model. Gradients of the ramp-up force-displacement curves fitted between 0-40% and 50-90% of the preexercise maximal force determined stiffness in the low- and high-force-range, respectively. Hysteresis was determined using the ramp-up and relaxation force-displacement curves and elastic energy storage from the area under the ramp-up curve. In simulated batting, correlations between tendon properties and shuttle times were also assessed. After both protocols, Achilles tendon force decreased (4% to 5%, P < .050), but there were no changes in stiffness, hysteresis, or elastic energy. In simulated batting, Achilles tendon force and stiffness were both correlated to mean turn and mean sprint times (r = -0.719 to -0.830, P < .050). Neither protocol resulted in fatigue-related changes in tendon properties, but higher tendon stiffness and plantar flexion force were related to faster turn and sprint times, possibly by improving force transmission and control of movement when decelerating and accelerating.


Houghton, L., Dawson, B., & Rubenson, J., (2013). Effects of plyometric training on Achilles tendon properties and shuttle running during a simulated cricket batting innings. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 27:1036-1046.

The aim of this study was to determine whether intermittent shuttle running times (during a prolonged, simulated cricket batting innings) and Achilles tendon properties were affected by 8 weeks of plyometric training (PLYO, n = 7) or normal preseason (control [CON], n = 8). Turn (5-0-5-m agility) and 5-m sprint times were assessed using timing gates. Achilles tendon properties were determined using dynamometry, ultrasonography, and musculoskeletal geometry. Countermovement and squat jump heights were also assessed before and after training. Mean 5-0-5-m turn time did not significantly change in PLYO or CON (pre vs. post: 2.25 ± 0.08 vs. 2.22 ± 0.07 and 2.26 ± 0.06 vs. 2.25 ± 0.08 seconds, respectively). Mean 5-m sprint time did not significantly change in PLYO or CON (pre vs. post: 0.85 ± 0.02 vs. 0.84 ± 0.02 and 0.85 ± 0.03 vs. 0.85 ± 0.02 seconds, respectively). However, inferences from the smallest worthwhile change suggested that PLYO had a 51-72% chance of positive effects but only 6-15% chance of detrimental effects on shuttle running times. Jump heights only increased in PLYO (9.1-11.0%, p < 0.050). Achilles tendon mechanical properties (force, stiffness, elastic energy, strain, modulus) did not change in PLYO or CON. However, Achilles tendon cross-sectional area increased in PLYO (pre vs. post: 70 ± 7 vs. 79 ± 8 mm, p < 0.01) but not CON (77 ± 4 vs. 77 ± 5 mm, p > 0.050). In conclusion, plyometric training had possible benefits on intermittent shuttle running times and improved jump performance. Also, plyometric training increased tendon cross-sectional area, but further investigation is required to determine whether this translates to decreased injury risk.


Pote L, Christie CJ (2016). Selected physiological and perceptual responses during a simulated limited overs century in non-elite batsmen. European Journal of Sports Science. 16:654-660

Few studies have examined the impact of an increased physical demand on batting performance, especially over extended periods of play. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the physiological and perceptual responses of batsmen scoring a simulated limited overs century, and to link these to sprint times and accuracy of the impact of the ball on the bat. Seventeen male, university level cricketers, performed a batting protocol (BATEX), typical of a limited overs century. The protocol consisted of six stages, each of five overs, with each stage matched to a specific phase of play. Throughout the protocol heart rate (HR), central ratings of perceived effort (RPE), sprint times and impact accuracy were recorded. HR fluctuated as a function of exercise intensity (124.16-159.61 bpm). Central RPE increased as a function of intensity and duration (11.87-16.04). Sprint times got slower over time (5.67-5.81 s), while impact accuracy improved significantly (p < .05) after stage one and then plateaued for the remainder of the protocol (64.81-57.39 mm). In conclusion, the protocol significantly impacted cardiac strain and perceptual responses negatively impacting sprint times with an improvement in batting accuracy.

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