Pre-Season Countdown to Summer | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Pre-Season Countdown to Summer

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Welcome to Countdown to Summer - Your Guide to Perfect Preseason Preparation


How you prepare before the season begins directly effects how you play during the season. A perfect preseason will get you ready for action physically, mentally and technically.

  • Improving your strength, speed, power and flexibility.
  • Learning new techniques and grooving old ones to perfection.
  • Setting effective goals and getting mentally tougher.
  • Maximising your training time at nets and practice.

Plus you have access to free updates in the exclusive preseason email newsletter.

Make yourself at home and have a look around. There is plenty to see and do. Good luck in your preparation and planning for the season!

David Hinchliffe - Director of Coaching, PitchVision Academy

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Featured Article

Don't Forget the Tail-Enders at Cricket Nets

Coach Iain Brunnschweiler is standing up for the "lower order run getters" this week, with a brand new "off the shelf" coaching session that gives the tail priority while you have nets.

What gives?

As Mark Garaway often reminds us, everyone in the team bats, and everyone in the team is allowed to score runs, not just the batters. So why shouldn't everyone practice batting?


The problem is that the tail often go last in nets after the bowler is tired and enthusiasm is waning. With little to practice, the default position is to have a swing. Yet the lower order often have a key role to play:

  • support an establish batter to either save a game or eke out a few more runs.
  • hit out to score quickly at the death to win a game

Both of these element require skills that need to be practised. So, why not turn a net session over to the tail and let them bat first for a change?

That's the basic theme "Brunchy" has taken for this week's coaching session, but there is plenty of great stuff for everyone in the squad including drills for improving your lateral movement (both warm up and a fielding drill that will fire up even the most apathetic) and specific work for the wicketkeeper. It's all related to the idea that everyone can practice with purpose.

If you want to make the most of your next hour at nets, click here.

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