Pre-Season Countdown to Summer | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Pre-Season Countdown to Summer

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Welcome to Countdown to Summer - Your Guide to Perfect Preseason Preparation


How you prepare before the season begins directly effects how you play during the season. A perfect preseason will get you ready for action physically, mentally and technically.

  • Improving your strength, speed, power and flexibility.
  • Learning new techniques and grooving old ones to perfection.
  • Setting effective goals and getting mentally tougher.
  • Maximising your training time at nets and practice.

Plus you have access to free updates in the exclusive preseason email newsletter.

Make yourself at home and have a look around. There is plenty to see and do. Good luck in your preparation and planning for the season!

David Hinchliffe - Director of Coaching, PitchVision Academy

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Featured Article

How to improve your bowling control without becoming robotic


This free video guides you through a simple drill to help you improve your bowling control without becoming robotic. Filmed at Activate Cricket Centre in Sydney, you can do the drill on your own or with a coach giving feedback as you perform it.

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