Well whenever you are having run up problems, you tend to think about your run up while running up to bowl, which is the wrong way to go about it. As you run up to bowl, you should only be focusing on where you will land the ball. This simplifies things and stops you from worrying about your runup.
Spend some time running through your run up without actually bowling a ball. As you are about to reach the crease, you will get the felling whether you are ready and comfortable to get in your delivery stride.
27 Nov 12 at 13:58
Posts: 7
Joined: 21 Nov 12
Try this if its work
Imagine u having a bowl in ur hand and then take ur run up and perform ur bowling in an open area.Perform this several times until u notice your run up.Then count how many steps you taking and when bowling in pitch don't think about the run up.
Posts: 5540
There is a good video on run up in Andy Caddick's online bowling coaching course.
Well whenever you are having run up problems, you tend to think about your run up while running up to bowl, which is the wrong way to go about it. As you run up to bowl, you should only be focusing on where you will land the ball. This simplifies things and stops you from worrying about your runup.
Spend some time running through your run up without actually bowling a ball. As you are about to reach the crease, you will get the felling whether you are ready and comfortable to get in your delivery stride.
Posts: 7
Try this if its work
Imagine u having a bowl in ur hand and then take ur run up and perform ur bowling in an open area.Perform this several times until u notice your run up.Then count how many steps you taking and when bowling in pitch don't think about the run up.