Coming down the pitch to fast bowlers | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Coming down the pitch to fast bowlers

Innovative batsmen are constantly messing about with tried and tested batting formulas. It's all in the name of getting the advantage in their quest for fast, big innings.

Matthew Hayden and Kevin Pietersen are both batsmen who are innovating in this way: Coming down the pitch to seamers in order to disrupt their line and upset their rhythm.

I'm all for constantly working on new aspects, but as club cricket goes I would hesitate to coach this method to anyone.

Club batsmen have less timing, experience and talent than internationals and our range of shots to work from is much less. The shot is premeditated and requires excellent balance, coordination and reactions to get into the right position quickly.

That makes it too risky for most club players. In commentator talk, it's a low percentage shot.

A better alternative would be to simply stand further out of your crease than normal. That way you can retain your stable base, play the shots you are strong at and still put the bowler off.

Of course, you may have the confidence and physical aspects to move down the pitch. Everyone is different and I would never rule out anything for any player.

If you want to increase your range of shot and run scoring ability ask yourself if it would be better to work on more traditional shots to add them to your repertoire first.

If the answer is yes then get confident with the basics first, then get innovative.

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I think even a club cricketer can play shots like hayden stepping out of the crease to mess up the line and length of the bowler. The other way to mess up a bowlers line I use a lot is playing outside the crease and then on the crease and then inside the crease. You can mix this up with taking different guards also. This messes up the bowlers length a lot.

I would recommend it to the players who dont get enough power from the crease. Especially if u cant smack the ball u cant still get lots of momentum through the shot by charging i love doing it and it works