PitchVision Academy Coach Education Workshop Resources | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

PitchVision Academy Coach Education Workshop Resources

If you have reached this page, the chances are that you have attended a PitchVision Coach Education Workshop on creating strike bowlers.

I hope you enjoyed the workshop and got something from it.

But that is just the start, to really get going you also need to follow up.

So, as promised, this page gives you all the resources you need to follow up on the workshop with a free eBook and drills sheet.

As you remember from the workshop the content includes:

  • How bowlers are made, not born.
  • Why traditional practice can’t create good bowlers.
  • What coaches can learn from Tiger Woods and Mozart
  • How to create fast, agile and athletic cricketers
  • Why bowling is like walking across a plank
  • The 7 essential drills that make strike bowlers

I'll also send you some other relevant content to help with your continuing education, and the creation of the next generation of exciting strike bowlers in your club.

To get the eBook and sheet, just enter your email in the box below and the files will be sent to you right away for you to download, read and print as you see fit. If you do pass it around other coaches in your club, remember to tell them it came from me at PitchVision Academy.

Get the eBook and Drills
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If you can't see the form above you can enter your details here. Oh and by the way, don't worry about spam. I hate it as much as you and would never do it.

Enjoy the eBook and see you soon!


David Hinchliffe - Director of Coaching